Perfect for...
- Corporate Wellness Programs
- Corporate Mindfulness Training
- Retreat & Wellness Centers
- Spas & Med Spas
- Health & Fitness Clubs
- Hospitals & Private Medical Centers
- Professional Sports Teams
- School Mindfulness Programs
- PTSD Therapy
- Programs for Disabled
- Private Homes
Profound Relaxation & Stress Reduction
The soothing sound, gentle vibrations, and magnetic stimulation induce profound levels of relaxation. Use of the technology creates an inattentive state of mind (quiets the busy mind) by habituating the sensory systems supporting the brain’s vigilance apparatus. These neurologic and psychologic changes induce a profound relaxation response with a reduction in stress levels.
We have completed studying these effects with the Mayo Clinic and the results have been published.
Our Mission
Stress reduction and reducing or eliminating the psychological and medical complications of stress, including stress related illnesses.
We provide corporate wellness services and use a percentage of profit to provide our services to under-served communities.
We believe mindfulness training and stress reduction are extremely needed in these communities and the benefit will be significant.
How Does the Mindful Chair™ Work?
Since the days of our early ancestors we have been endowed with a nervous system that has a built-in, hard-wired survival mechanism. With this mechanism we are always scanning our environment for potential danger, consciously and subconsciously. This mechanism is supported primarily by three of our senses – sight, hearing, and touch.
During a session your senses of sight, hearing and touch are quieted producing a brain state of inattention. You are instructed to close your eyes and deeply relax or fall asleep. As a result, your visual system receives no stimulus. The Mindful Chair™ consists of a comfortable, manually recline-able, seating platform containing an amplifier and transducers that produce sound (music), vibration and magnetic stimulation. Multi-layered music is provided, although any music can be used. We recommend music that has sufficient bass to produce a reasonable amount of vibration. Multiple melodies play simultaneously, causing the music to fade into the distance as you develop a profoundly relaxed and inattentive state of being.
The relatively constant sound and vibration cause the neural circuitry associated with hearing and touch to become habituated – to stop attending to the stimuli. Reducing the activity of the neural circuitry related to sight, hearing and touch, which supports your survival mechanism causes you to become far less vigilant or tense and as a result you become more relaxed and drift into a deep meditative state.
There is one more stimulus we provide that is exceedingly beneficial. We provide synchronized magnetic field stimulation. Our experimental work over the past 25 years has allowed us to affect an even greater relaxation response and meditative states when magnetic stimulation with full spectrum audio frequencies are combined.
Mindful Chair™ Specifications:
Footprint 50 to 60 inches long (adjustable) by 20 inches wide
Contoured length Approximately 6 feet
Weight Approximately 80 pounds fully assembled
Vinyl pad cover Washable with mild soap and water
Amplification 2 x 75 watt plus 1 x 150 watt channels
Variable gain adjust 2 x unity (adjustable for music source device)
Headphone output jack Independent adjustable volume control
Music input jack Stereo mini plug (input cables supplied)
Power switch On / Off rocker switch with LED indicator for power on
Power supply
Universal AC input / Full range
3 pole AC inlet IEC320-C14
Approvals: UL / CUL / TUV / BSMI / CB / FCC / CE
Meet EISA 2007 (Energy Independence and Security Act)
Rated Power 90W, DC Voltage 24V, Rated Current 3.75A
Voltage Range 90 ~ 264VAC
LED indicator for power on
IMPORTANT: Switch Smartphones to Airplane Mode during sessions. Connect up to ten lounges with the Distribution Amp.
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